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Theropoda Module

This module includes functionalities related to code.


The module provides functions to extract time series information from Sentinel 2 data stored in Earth Engine.


  • asset (str): Choosed Earth Engine vector asset.
  • id_field (str): Vector column used as ID (use unique identifiers!).
  • output_name (str): Output filename.

Example Usage

asset   = 'users/vieiramesquita/LAPIG_FieldSamples/lapig_goias_fieldwork_2022_50m'
id_field = 'ID_POINTS'
output_name = 'LAPIG_Pasture_S2_NDVI_Monitoring_FieldWork.csv'



This function is responsible to get the time series of Sentinel 2 data throught Earth Engine. It needs a geometry object in the ee.Feature() formart and the choosed vector propertie ID as the id_field.


  • geometry: An ee.Feature() object representing the area of interest.
  • bestEffort: A boolean indicating whether to use a larger pixel (10m to 30m) if the polygon area is too big (default is False).


  • NDVI time series data along with other information for the specified geometry.


Builds and writes NDVI time series data for a target vector asset, processing one polygon at a time.


  • index: Index of the object being processed.
  • obj: Object ID for which the time series is being generated.
  • id_field: Field name representing the ID in the vector asset.
  • outfile: Output file path to write the time series data.
  • asset: Earth Engine vector asset.
  • bestEffort: A boolean indicating whether to use a larger scale if needed (default is False).


  • True if processing is successful, None if the polygon area is too small, False if an error occurs during processing and restart the process using the bestEffort approach.


Checks the consistency of the NDVI time series library and handles errors during processing.


  • index: Index of the object being processed.
  • obj: Object ID for which the time series is being checked.
  • id_field: Field name representing the ID in the vector asset.
  • outfile: Output file path where time series data is stored.
  • asset: Earth Engine vector asset.
  • checker: A boolean indicating whether to check if the polygon has been processed before (default is False).


  • A dictionary containing information about errors and processing time.


Builds and writes a text file containing each Polygon ID used to extract the time series.


  • asset: Earth Engine vector asset.
  • id_field: Field name representing the ID in the vector asset.
  • colab_folder: Path of the folder where the text file will be saved.

Manages the overall workflow by catching argument information and initiating the process of extracting NDVI time series data for specified polygonal areas.


  • asset: Earth Engine vector asset.
  • id_field: Field name representing the ID in the vector asset.
  • output_name: Name of the output file.
  • colab_folder: Path of the folder where the output file will be saved.